صالون ’سيسترز بيوتي لاونج‘ يستقبل موسم العطلات بباقة من العروض الفاخرة

العروض تشمل جلسات متكاملة للعناية بالإطلالة الصيفية لغاية 31 أغسطس

مع انطلاق موسم السفر والعطلة الصيفية، لا بد من الاستعداد على أكمل وجه واصطحاب الأغراض الأساسية وعلى رأسها لباس السباحة وكريم الوقاية من الشمس ومرطب الشفاه ومستحضر التسمير. ولكن ذلك لا يكتمل دون إطلالة صيفية مشرقة تجعل الصور على الشاطئ تنبض بالحيوية والجمال، لذا يدعو صالونسيسترز بيوتي لاونج، الوجهة الفاخرة والأنيقة للعناية بالجمال، جميع السيدات للعناية بجمالهن هذا الصيف من خلال باقة من العروض الشاملة على منتجاته وجلساته الأساسية لغاية 31 أغسطس 2018.

العرض الأولإطلالة مشرقة لصور مميزة560 درهم إماراتي

  • علاجفوزيو دوزللشعر
  • بخاخنيكد تانللتسمير
  • جلسة العناية بالأظافر مع طلاءإي ميللأظافر

يوفر علاج فوزيو دوزمن علامةكيراستاسعناية بالشعر ويحميه من الآثار الضارة للحرارة. وهو علاج مُصمم حسب الطلب ليواكب الاحتياجات الخاصة للمستخدم ويضفي أناقة وتألقاً فورياً على الإطلالة. فيما يغني بخاخنيكد تان عن مستحضرات التسمير المعتادة ويمنح البشرة لوناً برونزياً متوهجاً دون التعرض لأشعة الشمس الحارقة. وهو مستحضر آمن وصديق للبيئة مكون من عناصر طبيعية بالكامل ويتميز بقوام رقيق وملمس مخملي ويمنح سمرة لافتة بدون بقع أو تموجات خلال أقل من ساعتين. وللتألق بأظافر أنيقة تواكب أحدث صيحات الموضة، تقدم علامةإي مي تشكيلة واسعة من المنتجات المصنعة في ألمانيا، بدءاً من طلاء الأظافر بتركيبة الجِل والفراشي إلى تصاميم لزينة الأظافر وإكسسوارات من علامات مشهورة.

العرض الثانيالاسترخاء سر الجمال 660 درهم إماراتي

  • تدليك لكامل الجسم
  • علاجثالغولإشراقة الوجه
  • علاجفوزيو دوزللشعر

يشمل هذا العرض تدليكاً لكامل الجسم على مدى 60 دقيقة لإحياء الحواس وبث السكينة والهدوء في الذهن والجسد. بالإضافة إلى علاجثالغوالمبتكر الذي يمنح البشرة إشراقة من الداخل ويعمل للحد بفاعلية من التصبغات الموضعية وتحسين البشرة عموماً. كما يعزز تجانس مظهرها من خلال معالجة يومية للمعان ونعومة البشرة ومحاربة علامات التقدم في السن. فيما يتكفل علاج فوزيو دوز بالحفاظ على حيوية الشعر وحمايته من الأضرار المحتملة للسباحة والتعرض لأشعة الشمس.

العرض الثالثدللي نفسك بسعر معقول 999 درهم إماراتي

  • تقنية صف الرموش الروسية
  • علاجمارجرت دابسلليدين والقدمين
  • تدليك لكامل الجسم
  • علاجفوزيو دوزللشعر

تتيح تقنية صف الرموش الروسية للسيدات التألق برموش كثيفة وأخاذة، حيث تتضمن لصق رموش اصطناعية فائقة النعومة فوق الرموش الطبيعية لمظهر طبيعي أكثر كثافة وجاذبية. ويكتمل الدلال والاستعداد للعطلة على أكمل وجه، مع جلسة علاجية من مارجريت دابس لإضفاء الحيوية على الأيدي والأقدام المتعبة والمهملة والتي تمنح نتائج فورية تدوم طويلاً من أول جلسة.

ويختتم هذا العرض رحلة الجمال بتدليك لكامل الجسم وعلاج فوزيو دوز للشعر.

يَعِدُ صالونسيسترز بيوتي لاونجأول 15 عميلة ممن يحجزن أحد العروض في كل فرع بحقيبة هدايا من الأدوات الأساسية للعناية بجمالهن في العطلات.

نبذة عنسيسترز بيوتي لاونج

تأسس صالونسيسترز بيوتي لاونجفي عام 2004 من قبل شيرين عبد الرزاق، وسرعان ما اكتسب شهرته الواسعة كصالون متكامل لتجميل السيدات في جميع أنحاء الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تتوزع فروع الصالون بسبع مواقع رئيسية، وتتضمن فريقاً من خبراء التصميم والمعالجين والاستشاريين والفنيين لضمان تجربة مذهلة وسط أجواء عصرية وفاخرة إلى جانب المواقع الساحرة. يعتبر صالونسيسترز، مع التطور والابتكار في المواد الكيميائية، الوجهة المثلى لشراء منتجات الشعر والمكياج والبشرة والأظافر وعلاجات الجسم

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The Bee Glow revolution from Guerlain

An unprecedented concept, BEE GLOW shakes up the codes of beauty, delivering EXCEPTIONAL HYDRATION and a “wet-look” effect that captures light to restore the VOLUME of the face and RESCULPT it. A SKINCARE CREAM and SKIN ENHANCER in one, BEE GLOW offers women the PROMISE of YOUTHFUL-LOOKING RADIANCE.

A philosophy FROM ASIA

Powdery or matte effects are old hat… Always at the cutting edge when it comes to beauty, Korean women now favour skincare creams bursting with water, the new guarantee of a youthful glow.

Nowadays, their Holy Grail is “honey glow skin”, i.e. skin that is as smooth and luminous as honey. Taking its inspiration from this trend, Guerlain has created BEE GLOW, a fluid offering optimal hydration that combines unprecedented benefits for a Guerlain product. While targeting wrinkles and fine lines, it offers a shiny, “wet-look” effect that highlights facial volumes. Skin is perfectly smooth and captures natural light. This light restructures the face, which appears rejuvenated and radiates a real glow.

A SKINCARE PRODUCT and make-up in one

An anti-ageing and skin-enhancing fluid in one, Bee Glow is a hybrid concept that shakes up the codes of beauty, delivering benefits that have never before been combined in a Guerlain product.

BEE GLOW is an ultra-fresh multi-purpose product that pairs sensory pleasure with total freedom. It offers a hydrating benefit, but also plays the role of finisher, enhancing skin for those who do not wish to wear make-up. It also serves as a base and illuminates the face before make-up. A little touch of BEE GLOW after applying TERRACOTTA powder creates a more natural finish.


A product from the Abeille Royale line, Bee Glow combines the most exclusive raw ingredients: royal jelly from hives located in Sologne and exceptional honey from Ouessant island. The fruit of long months of research, this fluid hydrates and strengthens the epidermis***. It recreates an optimal skin barrier, which provides protection from external aggressors***, thereby limiting skin dryness.

Hour after hour, your face remains perfectly firm and radiant. This glow is achieved thanks to another technological feat: BEE GLOW incorporates a new generation of pearl micro-particles into its composition, which reflect light while remaining totally invisible and avoiding excess shine.

A product acclaimed by WOMEN

After several series of laboratory tests , last spring Guerlain launched a major study with the cooperation of 60 Asian women who used Bee Glow for one month. The results show an exceptional degree of satisfaction.

98%***  of women observed an instant effect: skin that is more hydrated, smoother, plumper, more luminous and more translucent.

100%*** of them are satisfied with the benefit provided after one month’s use.

88%*** stated that they prefer Bee Glow to their usual product.

*** Satisfaction self-test, 1 month’s use, 60 women in China

A MINI REVOLUTION in the world of cosmetics, Bee Glow is a multi-purpose product that combines effectiveness, pleasure and freedom. An ANTI-AGEING fluid and skin enhancer in one, it reinforces the volume of the f ace, illuminates and restructures it, giving it a YOUTHFUL radiance.

NIVEA® Care Moisturizer: A New Generation of Skin Care with Unprecedented Innovative Formula

With more than 100 years of skincare expertise, NIVEA introduces a new generation of skin care with NIVEA Care; an innovative hydrowax formula cream that aims to meet the ever changing and dynamic needs of today’s modern women. NIVEA® Care’s breakthrough formula offers deep nourishment without leaving behind any greasiness, providing a completely new skin feeling. It is easily spread and quickly absorbed by the skin making it the perfect cream for face and body.

Hanne Rolling Bentsen, Marketing Director MENA at NIVEA said: “Our efforts are relentless to continue developing products that match the skin requirements of modern women, and today we celebrate our achievements with NIVEA® Care cream. It is a real innovation in the skin care segment that will serve as the first simple skin care solution for intensively nourishing without any greasiness”.

When applied, the balanced amount of wax enwrapped in a light gel texture immediately melt into the skin while the fine caring wax crystals provide intensive and long-lasting nourishing care leaving the skin feeling and looking supple and smooth. NIVEA Care is also available with Pearl Extracts and Vitamin C that work to restore the skin’s natural tone within 4 weeks for nourishing fairness without greasiness, and SPF 15 to protect the skin from sun damage.

NIVEA® Care is available in different sizes, 50ml, 100ml, and 200ml. Whether you want to fit it in your bag or use it before you leave home, make sure to pick your preferred product from any leading supermarket across GCC and the Middle East and don’t forget to share your WOW moments through #HydrowaxFormula #WOW and @niveame.

NIVEA® Care is priced in the United Arab Emirates at:

50 ml jar – 6 AED approximately

100 ml jar – 10 AED approximately

200 ml jar – 15 AED approximately

50 ml jar – 6 AED approximately

100 ml jar – 10 AED approximately

200 ml jar – 15 AED approximately

5 things to know about collagen

**What it is, why it is important, and why you need skinade®!**

Many of us have heard of collagen and that it’s the make-or-break molecule for healthy skin, but how much do we actually know about it? Collagen is part of the skin’s structure that helps maintain elasticity which in turn keeps us looking youthful. It is the most important factor for visible skin health, and so is being used as an ingredient in many skincare products.

Here are five things to know about collagen:

1. Collagen comes from the Greek word “kolla” which means “glue.” So, the word collagen literally means “producer of glue.”

2. Collagen accounts for around 75% of youthful skin, forming the main structural element of the skin in the dermis layer. It provides the structure which supports the epidermis and gives your skin its youthful fullness. When collagen molecules are damaged, skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag, wrinkle and age.

3. In addition to its structural role, collagen also regulates the activity of fibroblasts in the skin. Fibroblasts are the cells that are responsible for rebuilding the connective tissue, and they play a critical role in the healing of wounds.

4. In order to maintain healthy skin function, and to help with the natural production of collagen, it’s important to have a bioavailable source of vitamin C.

5. As the body ages, it loses the ability to produce new collagen. This affects the production and activity of the fibroblasts, which, in turn, produce less and less collagen over time.

While depletion of collagen is ultimately inevitable, it’s important to know that there are several factors that speed it up. These offenders include smoking, excessive sun exposure, and pollution, to name a few.

If you’re looking to rebuild collagen, look no further than skinade®, the multi-award-winning skincare collagen drink that nourishes skin from the inside, allowing for a more youthful, glowing and radiant complexion.

With prices starting from AED 800, skinade® packages are available from Iwona Specialty Clinic, Sansaya Cosmetic Surgery and Dental Clinic, Euromed Medical Center, Rose Arbaji, So Spa – Sofitel The Palm, Hauteletic, Kalm Holistic Beauty. Delivery of skinade® can also be arranged by calling +971 55 4722404.

Aesop Roll-On Deodorants, two new personal care formulations to refresh body and senses

Aesop is introducing its first Roll-On Deodorants with high-quality botanical ingredients to help reduce and mask body odour on March 5, 2018 across the globe.

The new Déodorant Roll-On and Herbal Deodorant Roll-On offer an aluminium- and alcohol-free alternative for those whose skin may be irritated by conventional deodorants. They are a sibling to the company’s much-loved Déodorant and Herbal Deodorant sprays, which launched in 2010 and 2016, respectively.

‘Our Roll-On Deodorants feature a unique blend of essential oils to impart a refreshing fragrance and effectively inhibit the growth of odour producing underarm bacteria,’ said Dr Rebecca Watkinson, Aesop’s Innovation & Research Manager.

Both formulations have a smooth, creamy texture and contain Zinc Ricinoleate and Wasabi Extract, which work in tandem with essential oils to reduce the development of body odour.

Suitable for both men and women, Déodorant Roll-On features an earthy, woody fragrance conferred by Vetiver Root, Coriander Seed, and Patchouli, while Herbal Déodorant Roll-On imparts a subtly herbaceous aroma from a combination of Sage, Eucalyptus, Lavender and Neroli.

To use, roll generously under each arm after bathing and allow to dry before dressing.

Each Roll-On is packaged in an elegant 50mL amber glass bottle. They are available at signature stores, counters in select department stores, and at Aesop Online.

Shiseido presents Essential Energy

Shiseido skincare is entering a new era

First came the study of biology, the foundation of all knowledge about the skin, followed by an exploration of cellular science, enzymes, genes, and stem cells. Now, Shiseido is pushing the limits of science even further, and taking on a new challenge: neuroscience. At the heart of Shiseido skincare, neuroscience takes the form of ultra-sensorial textures, aromachological perfumes, and a packaging design that appeals to our emotions. However, it is no longer merely a source of inspiration, and is now central to the technology of new-generation skincare products that will change everything you thought you knew about cosmetics. Working side by side with the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Cutaneous Biology Research Center, Shiseido has deciphered interactions between the brain and the skin, bringing skincare into a whole new dimension.The first chapter of this new story is Essential Energy, a hydrating and energizing skincare line that illustrates the incredible potential of this new field in cosmetics.

Skin and brain: an inseparable duo

Housing roughly 800,000 sensory receptors, the skin reacts to everything. Whether thermal, chemical, mechanical, or electrical… Each stimulus causes a reaction that sets off a conversation with the brain via the nervous system. There is an on-going dialogue between the two organs that aims to protect the skin’s integrity against external aggressors. Just touching the skin is enough to trigger a stream of molecular messages that activate sophisticated processes such as vasodilation, cellular regeneration, reinforcing the barrier function, or setting off immune defence systems.

Lost connection signal

Enemies of the skin’s integrity, such as time and stress, modify sensitivity thresholds, and diminish the sense of touch in particular. Not only does the number of sensors decrease, but they also become less alert as the skin ages. Meanwhile, nerve fibres responsible for transmitting messages to the brain also slow down. Under the effect of oxidative stress, the mitochondria, or energy powerhouses, lose efficiency. The connection between the brain and the skin jams; the messages don’t get through, the skin loses sensitivity, and becomes unresponsive. Incapable of detecting danger, it becomes highly vulnerable. Even more so as it no longer responds to positive stimulation such as a day cream for example, which is not absorbed as well as previously, and is therefore seen as less efficient!

Shiseido restores energy to reconnect the skin and the brain

Shiseido is one of the first cosmetic laboratories to combine dermatology and neuroscience at the very heart of its skincare. Thanks to a brand-new technology, ReNeura Technology™, Shiseido gives skin the energy it needs to better decipher the messages it receives, and therefore better defend itself.

Sensational textures

The most exceptional innovation of ReNeura Technology™ lies at the very heart of the product’s texture, with the Active Response Powder. Upon contact with the skin, thousands of elastic microspheres, invisible to the naked eye, are immersed in the cream. These move freely, rolling around and flattening out, changing shape in order to stimulate the skin’s sensory receptors. Like a gymnastic exercise performed day after day, applying cream increases and maintains good receptivity in the skin, restoring its powers of detection and information.

Ashitaba α, plant energy

ReNeura Technology™ also incorporates Ashitaba α, a Japanese plant extract that encourages the maintaining of ATP production by skin cells, indispensable energy for transmitting signals via nerve fibres. Used in both Asian pharmacopoeia and the medical field, this plant is particularly popular in the treatment of certain neuropathies such as Alzheimer’s and depression, as well as for its protective effect on nerve fibres. Within the ReNeura Technology™, it protects the cells’ mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, from external aggressors in order to maintain their vitality*. The transmission of messages is then optimized. Perfectly alert and brimming with energy, the skin starts to communicate efficiently again. It thus mobilizes the biological processes that enable it to defend, regenerate, and take care of itself. It also becomes more receptive to the application of skincare, and fully assimilates the associated ingredients and their benefits.

*in vitro data

Shiseido presents Essential Energy

The first range* to incorporate neuroscience at the heart of cosmetic skincare, in response to the needs of skin that is over-stressed and perturbed by its environment. Having lost its full capacity to receive information and discern its nature, insensitive, almost inert skin, once again finds the necessary energy to reconnect. It revives defence mechanisms against external aggressors, as well as receptivity mechanisms for positive messages, such as skincare ingredients. Specially dedicated for women in their thirties, who are overworked and over-exposed to polluted environments, Essential Energy combines ReNeura Technology™ with a selection of high-tech plant ingredients in a range of three products. A gel, a cream, and an SPF cream all maintain the skin’s hydration levels, infusing it with glow and rebooting its energy levels.

Essential Energy, for skin more vibrant than ever.



Essential Energy combines Super Hyaluronic Acid that can absorb six thousand times its weight in water, with a Citrus Unshiu Peel extract that increases the skin’s ability to synthesise it*. Brimming with water upon application, the skin looks smooth, plump, and comfortable.


ReNeura Technology™, presented exclusively in the Essential Energy line, boosts the protective and regenerative reflexes of the skin. Which seems to rediscover its innate energy.


Faced with carbonylation – an alteration of the skin’s proteins by carbon molecules which dulls the complexion due to the harmful effect of UV rays and pollutants, Essential Energy responds with a combination of expert ingredients. Assam tea and pearl extract unite to fight a lack of radiance in the skin*, making it clearer, and more vibrant. Scutellaria root reduces lipid oxidization in the skin*, “boosting” the complexion. Lastly, an extract of Lempuyang, an Indonesian ginger root, combined with a cellular pro-renewal ingredient, inhibits the overproduction of melanin. With an improved texture and brighter tone, skin steps into the light.

*In vitro data

One product, 64 possibilities.

64 pots, with 64 random combinations comprised of 8 differently shaped lids and bases, add an element of surprise to every purchase of Essential Energy. This is a nod to the Raku pottery style used in the Japanese tea ceremony, and which is voluntarily imperfect. Each pot feels similar to this ultra-light ceramic, smooth in places, rough in others. Designed to nestle in the palm of the hand, they are incredibly light, and unobtrusive, as only everyday objects can be, and feel so natural they become an absolute essential. Like Kyoto pottery, Essential Energy skincare pots have been designed to provoke a maximum emotional response. Tests have shown that on contact, users feel more pleasure and comfort*.

*Measurement of neural activity – 24 women.

Essential Energy Moisturizing Cream

The first moisturizing cream* that stimulates cutaneous receptors to improve the skin’s response to external aggressors. This luxuriously creamy product aimed at normal to dry skin is both light and divinely comfortable. Use morning and night as the last step in your daily routine. Upon application, the skin looks supple, soft, and luminous, as though vibrant with energy.

What women say**:

94% find it effective,

94% find their skin softer,

95% find their skin hydrated,

92% find that it brightens the skin, illuminating the complexion

*by Shiseido **Consumer test: 100 women – 4 weeks

Essential Energy Moisturizing Gel Cream

The first moisturizing gel cream* that stimulates cutaneous receptors to improve the skin’s response to external aggressors. This fresh and light product aimed at combination to oily skin fuses with the epidermis and is instantly forgotten. Use morning and night as the last step in your daily routine. Upon application, the skin looks supple, soft, and luminous, as though energized from within.

What women say**:

92% find it effective,

93% find their skin softer,

98% find their skin hydrated,

88% find their skin brighter,

88% find that it illuminates the complexion.

*by Shiseido **Consumer test: 104 women – 4 weeks

Essential Energy Day Cream SPF 20

The first day cream* with integrated UV protection that stimulates cutaneous receptors to improve the skin’s response to external aggressors. This luxuriously creamy product aimed at normal to dry skin is both light and divinely comfortable. Use morning and night as the last step in your daily routine. Upon application, the skin looks supple, soft, and luminous, as though vibrant with energy.

What women say**:

90% find it effective,

96% find their skin hydrated,

95% find their skin softer and more supple.

*by Shiseido **Consumer test: 107 women – 4 weeks

Premier Cru The Serum of Caudalie

The height of Caudalie skincare

AN EXCEPTIONAL RITUAL FOR WOMEN DEMANDING THE VERY BEST The epitome of total anti-aging, the Premier Cru range was designed for women wanting to effectively combat all signs of aging in one easy step. This collection is meant for the most demanding women. It targets women expecting visible and long-lasting results, in terms of wrinkles, dark spots and firmness. It appeals to those hoping for prestigious, sensual textures.

Premier Cru is a blend of all the ingredients patented by Caudalie (Resveratrol, Viniferine, Polyphenols) and highly effective anti-aging agents such as hyaluronic acid, used at optimum concentrations, to reduce signs of aging. In 2018, after nine years of approval by women who have adopted this skincare ritual, Caudalie will be opening a new chapter in the Premier Cru history in partnership with Harvard Medical School.

An innovativepatented technology named Vinergy®

LACK OF ENERGY As time goes by, our cells produce less and less energy. The synthesis of the skin’s components, such as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, is decreased along with its metabolism. As a result, the skin needs energy to maintain its regeneration functions at an optimum level. The only solution is to act on the mitochondria, cellular power plants that produce ATP, which is an essential component in maintaining good skin function.

A 5-YEAR PARTNERSHIP WITH HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL Since it was founded, Caudalie has joined forces with esteemed academic researchers to develop its active ingredients.

For the past five years, Caudalie has worked in partnership with Harvard Medical School and Genetics Professor Dr. David Sinclair. Nicknamed the “Guru of Longevity” by Time Magazine US, he is one of the world’s top anti-aging specialists.

For the past five years, I have collaborated with Caudalie to research and develop ground-breaking, anti-aging innovations. Together we’ve discovered a solution to counteract the diminishing energy metabolism of our cells over time, which is a key reason our skin ages. Our ground-breaking discovery of Vinergy® helps to restore the cell’s mitochondrial mass and energy production, which in turn allows our cells to defend against aging.

COMBINING THE VINE AND SCIENCE Proprietary to the Caudalie brand, the Vinergy® patented complex is an innovative combination of vine Resveratrol and betaine of natural origin exclusively incorporated in the new Premier Cru The Serum. Its optimum concentration helps restore cellular energy metabolism, which declines with age.

In fact, this innovative complex:

• increases mitochondrial mass (quantity and size)

• increases ATP production

• enables the skin to effectively combat signs of aging

• increases the efficacy of anti-aging creams.

PREMIER CRU, FIRST STEP Caudalie is currently supplementing its range with a new product: a revolutionary serum with packaging inspired by a grape. Like all of the range’s products, this serum contains the

3 ingredients patented by Caudalie (Grape-seed Polyphenols with an anti-oxidant effect, Vine Resveratrol to plump up and firm the epidermis, Viniferine for its anti-dark spot properties). This serum, featuring a very high concentration of hyaluronic acid, is the only product in the collection containing the new Vinergy® complex. In addition to revitalizing the skin to correct all signs of aging, this innovative formula is an efficacy booster that amplifies the anti-wrinkle action of Premier Cru The Cream.

SENSORY STARTER Perfectly tolerated by sensitive skin, this slightly textured water directly inspired by Mathilde Thomas’s travels in Korea is both innovative and refreshing and contains 95% ingredients of natural origin. It produces a delicate sensation and is subtly scented with rose petals infused in an oak barrel.

DAILY PROTOCOL Premier Cru The Serum should be applied in the morning and evening to the face, neck and décolleté, immediately before applying Premier Cru The Cream or La Crème Riche. The efficacy

of The Serum combined with The Cream was measured under dermatological supervision: it was found to be 7 times more effective against wrinkles than The Cream by itself*.

* Clinical test, skin relief, 50 women, average 58 y.o, twice daily application The Serum + The Cream, 28 days.

A comprehensive collection for all anti-aging needs

For a more natural effect, the formulas of the three creams have been enhanced: they are more effective, silicone-free, and even more natural. New packaging also sets off the high technology featured in these innovative formulas. Captured in prestigious bottles with subtle hints of pink gold, each product seems to float on a transparent glass base. Formulated to combat established wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles, this gentle cream is perfectly suited to the most fragile area of the face. Enriched with hyaluronic acid and anti-aging peptides, it also acts as an immediate beautifier thanks to the presence of pearly and silvery micro-pigments that illuminate the eye contour area. This cream, designed for all skin types, is enriched with hyaluronic acid and anti-aging peptides; it also acts on wrinkles, dark spots and loss of firmness while rehydrating the skin.

Designed for dry skin, this new creamy and velvety formula provides immediate comfort. It has been reformulated to offer an instant cocoon of softness and is enriched with hyaluronic acid. Its enveloping texture is one of Mathilde Thomas’s favorites. Formerly known as The Elixir, this dry oil is a multi-purpose product. It can be used as is, after the serum and before the cream, when the skin is undernourished or attacked by a particularly dry and cold climate. It can also be mixed with a day or night cream to boost its nourishing effect or with a foundation for glowing radiance.


Clarins New Concept Store in Dubai Mall

Enjoy a unique experience at the new generation Clarins Boutique !

After Hong Kong and Philadelphia, a new and different boutique concept by Clarins is now opening in Dubai Mall and Mirdif City Centre.

Enjoy a genuine shopping experience and immerse yourself in a world of well-being in the quiet, tranquil atmosphere decorated in red, white and natural wood. Enter and be immediately soothed by the cosy feel of this new space entirely devoted to you.

A 60 minute ‘Pro’ treatment

Receive advice from our highly trained and qualified skin experts on the treatment best adapted to your particular needs, then escape from it all!

Designed for women looking for a zen break in the middle of their hectic lives, it delivers instant results.

Clarins brings together its winning trio: advice – treatment – the hands.

60 minute targeted facials for a beautiful you!

Discover a range of treatments which, in just 60 minutes, offer the quintessence of a Clarins Treatment to deliver real beauty results and an immediate feeling of well-being.

1. Exceptional, visible and immediate rejuvenating results. A proven action on wrinkles and skin firmness.

• Reduction in the volume of wrinkles (crow’s feet, frown lines) -29%

• Improvement in skin firmness +18.3% (2) 72%(3) of women feel younger than they did before the Treatment.

• The complexion is radiant 93.8% (3)

• Features are relaxed 93.8% (3)

2. Rejuvenating results which last. After the treatment and 7 days of them anti-ageing routine.

After the treatment 93.3%(4) of women find that the anti-ageing routine (Double Serum + day cream / night cream + eye contour care) recommended by their Beauty Therapist completes and prolongs the benefits of the Treatment. The complexion is radiant + 49.9 % (4) Features are relaxed + 44.8 % (4). A proven action on recovery capacity.

3. A moment of well-being and relaxation. A proven action on recovery capacity.

It was proven that women recover better and faster during a Clarins Treatment than after two nights’s sleep: + 49.3

Women confirmed a feeling of well-being and vitality.

After the Treatment, women feel more soothed by 30.6 and more revitalized by 61.5%(6)

Orchidée Impériale Rich Cream from Guerlain

EXCEPTIONAL COMPLETE CARE: Orchidée Impériale Rich Cream

Stress, pollution, changes in the weather… skin is increasingly stressed and weakened. Skin dryness, whether genetic or due to environmental factors, affects all skin tones and concerns all women nowadays. Orchidée Impériale Rich Cream offers women unprecedented twofold effectiveness: it targets and reduces the visible effects of time as well as “normalising” dry skin, teaching it how to function normally again.


Formulated using Cell Respiration™ technology, this total age-defying skincare is also infused with an exclusive complex enriched with precious Abyssinian oil, which targets the main factors responsible for skin dehydration active in the skin’s different layers. Orchidée Impériale Rich Cream’s ultra-comfortable texture penetrates to the heart of the skin, without leaving the slightest oily film. It delivers an instant and lasting lipid-replenishing action. Perfectly nourished, skin looks regenerated and regains its elasticity and firmness.


The Rich Cream, born of the newgeneration Orchidée Impériale, contains exclusive Cell RespirationTM technology targeting the phenomenon of hypoxia (lack of oxygen at the heart of the cells). After 15 years’ research, Guerlain scientists have demonstrated the action of the Gastrodia Elata orchid (an essential flower in traditional Chinese medicine) on a sensor – HIF – regulating cell oxygen use*. In fact, without this breath of life, cell regeneration slows down, energy production mechanisms are impaired and the cell matrix breaks down. Thanks to this major scientific discovery, the new-generation Orchidée Impériale enables more effective oxygen distribution in cells, which optimises their energy to enhance cell longevity*. Skin is firmer and looks younger for longer with repeated applications.

* In vitro test on ingredients.

ORCHIDÉE IMPÉRIALE Available from November 1st 2017


With time, pollution, stress and increasingly harsh environmental conditions, the skin’s barrier is impaired. The extracellular matrix is impoverished and hyaluronic acid decreases, leading to moisture loss. Then comes skin dryness and feelings of tightness. Orchidée Impériale Rich Cream is able to restore all of the skin’s suppleness, offering it intense nutrition without an oily feel.

At the heart of the Rich Cream, an exclusive complex teaches skin that is dry or has been dried out by its environment how to function normally again. Structured on the basis of a combination of active ingredients specially chosen for their complementarity and affinity with the skin, it acts on the main dehydration factors. This complex contains a rare ingredient – precious Abyssinian oil, whose nourishing and emollient properties have been known for thousands of years. Legend has it that the Queen of Sheba used this elixir to maintain her skin’s radiance. Abyssinian oil, selected for its exceptional purity, is produced by cold pressing the seeds of the Crambe abyssinica plant, native to Ethiopia. It is rich in omegas 3, 6 and 9, fatty acids known to strengthen the hydrolipid film. The rich cream restores all of the hydration and comfort of normal skin. Skin is instantly nourished and more resistant when faced with external aggressors. It is soft, satin-smooth, glowing and comfortable. The visible signs of ageing fade away and wrinkles and fine lines are smoothed. Without leaving an oily film, the Rich Cream allows easy make-up application.


Orchidée Impériale Rich Cream deploys all of its moisturising, lipid-replenishing and age-defying powers in a single application. This efficacy has been validated by dermatologists and confirmed by women.


+55%HYDRATION at 6 hr*, +63% at 24 hr*  ;  +20%** FIRMNESS  ;  +20%** DENSITY  ;  +24%** ELASTICITY  ;  +25%** EVENNESS  ;  +30%**  RADIANCE  ;  +21%** SKIN TEXTURE FINENESS


Efficacy validated by women: *** 89% of women find that feelings of discomfort and tightness disappear from the very first application. Skin is hydrated, nourished and comfortable all day long. After one month, it is more resistant when faced with harsh weather conditions. Last but not least, Orchidée Impériale Rich Cream gives women a sense of well-being and boosts their self-confidence.

* Instrumental test, 11 women, results 6 hours and 24 hours after application.

** Clinical test by a dermatologist, 31 women, results after two months of use.

*** Satisfaction survey, 61 women, results after one month of use.


True to its environmental commitment for the past decade, Guerlain has entirely redesigned the packaging for the fourthgeneration Orchidée Impériale cream. After a year’s research and development, this exceptional skincare’s new case is even more lightweight and refined than ever. It uses fewer raw materials and lighter glass. These technical developments have reduced the weight of the jar by 60% and its carbon footprint by 57%. The contents and container now share the same philosophy of responsible luxury acclaimed by our consumers.


Women need to take a break and make time for themselves in order to restore a kind of inner harmony. Sophia Kremser, an expert at the Guerlain Institut at 68 Champs-Élysées, has created an exclusive four-step method, combining massages and breathing exercises.

1- Before applying the Rich Cream, breathe in deeply and apply slow pressure points on the chin, under the nose, between the eyebrows and at the temples.

2- Then smooth the Rich Cream from the inside of the face outwards.

3- Then energise the skin by making energetic circles with closed fists over the cheekbones, forehead and neck.

4- Finally, relax the features, placing your left hand on your forehead and your right hand on your right cheek. Gently slide both palms simultaneously over the contours of your face. Breathe in deeply and accompany the massage by tilting your head from left to right.

Website: http://www.guerlain.com/me/en-me

Terre de Lumière L’Eau a delicate fragrance that breathes serenity

The iconic Terre de Lumière bottle shimmers with the powder pink hues of flower bloomings in the dawn light. Crystal clear and light as air, Terre de Lumière L’Eau is a delicate fragrance that breathes serenity.

It’s the scent of daybreak, of that beautiful moment when the sun’s rays emerge gently over the horizon. Inspired by Provence at first light, the serene notes of this tender, floral fragrance evolve slowly, giving each accord the time to reveal itself fully, like the unfolding dawn… Terre de Lumière L’Eau is fresh and delicate as a dewdrop glistening in the dawn light. Before the flower blooms at the heart of the fragrance, bergamot and pink pepper notes bring the fresh air of dawn. Then, as the sun warms the earth, floral notes revel in white musk and tonka bean scents, revealing the most voluptuous accords.

Head notes

Bergamot, Pink Pepper, Blackcurrant

Heart notes

Pink Peony

Base notes

Bitter Almond Essence, Tonka Bean, White Musk


Calice Becker, Shyamala Maisondieu and Nadège Le Garlantezec, three perfumers from Grasse, composed Terre de Lumière L’Eau in perfect harmony, bringing in the fragrance their own memories and emotions of dawn in Provence.


Each of the innovative products in the Terre de Lumière L’Eau collection is adorned with the rays of the rising light.

Gentle Shower Gel – 250ml A tender scent and a light yet voluptuous texture… The colors of dawn mingle with the floral notes of Terre de Lumière L’Eau in this simply exquisite shower gel.

Beautifying Body Milk – 250ml This subtly iridescent, moisturizing Body Milk lights up the skin with silky shimmers and leaves behind the tender, floral notes of Terre de Lumière L’Eau. Perfect for a moment of pure serenity.

Radiant Balm – 30ml Whenever your body needs pampering, treat it to the softness and light of the sun’s first rays… With its slightly shimmering, moisturizing texture, the Radiant Balm leaves your skin lightly fragranced with the floral scent of Terre de Lumière L’Eau.

Perfumed soap – 75g Ideal for the hands and body, the Terre de Lumière L’Eau Perfumed Soap gently cleanses your skin, leaving behind the serene scent of a tender, floral fragrance.


Terre De Lumiere L’Eau Eau De Toilette – 90ml – AED 339

Terre De Lumiere L’Eau Gentle Shower Gel – 250ml – AED 79

Terre De Lumiere L’Eau Beautifying Body Milk – 250ml – AED 119

Terre De Lumiere L’Eau Radiant Balm – 30ml – AED 49

Terre De Lumiere L’Eau Perfumed soap – 75g – AED 29

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