Welcome the year 2019 at Grand Millennium Business Bay


Celebrate the beginning of the year 2019 at Grand Millennium Business Bay, a 5-star property of Millennium Hotels & Resorts along Marasi Drive where a spectacular feast of food, festivity and live entertainment ensure your dining experience is exquisite in every way.

New Year’s Eve at Beau Rivage Bistro – December 31

If you want to ring the New Year in style, Beau Rivage Bistro has prepared a splendid set menu and drinks for AED 699 per person. With an outdoor seating area that offers a fascinating view of the Dubai canal, you and your loved one will cherish special moments while welcoming the year 2019.

New Year’s Eve at the 19th Floor – December 31

A spectacular New Year’s celebration awaits revelers at the 19th floor, with free flowing bubbles and canapes at AED 2019 per couple. Indulge yourself with an extravagant spread while catching the mesmerizing fireworks over Burj Khalifa at the stroke of midnight. The New Year’s Eve buffet includes an extensive selection of luxury plates like Foie Gras (Liver of Goose) with strawberry Jelly and Lobster Pie and many more with premium beverages and free flow gourmet canapes, oysters and bubbles from 8:30 pm to 12:30 am.

For more information or reservations, please call +971 4 873 3334 or contact us at HYPERLINK “mailto:info.gmbb@millenniumhotels.com” info.gmbb@millenniumhotels.com.

About Grand Millennium Business Bay

Grand Millennium Business Bay is the second Grand Millennium property to open in the vibrant city of Dubai. With an enviable location on Marasi Drive in Business Bay, beautiful views of the Dubai Water Canal and city, 251 well-appointed rooms, seven F&B venues, 11 meeting rooms, a ballroom, spa, health club, swimming pool and more, the five-star hotel will please leisure and business travellers alike.

About Millennium Hotels & Resorts

Millennium Hotels & Resorts plc is a dynamic, global hotel company, which owns, asset manages and/or operates over 120 hotels worldwide. With almost 40,000 rooms worldwide, the company is present on all continents with a portfolio of brands which serve different market segments, representing quality and value in every class.

From a single property in Abu Dhabi, Millennium Hotels & Resorts, Middle East & Africa has expanded into various neighbouring destinations and is now recognised as one of the fastest growing regional hotel management companies in the Middle East & Africa. Along the way, the company has cultivated partnerships with reputable and respected owners. Millennium Hotels & Resorts currently operates 35 hotels, has 11 hotels due to open within the next year and 40 hotels in the pipeline across the region.  For more information, please visit HYPERLINK “http://www.millenniumhotels.com” www.millenniumhotels.com

2019/ لموسم خریف وشتاء 2018 Ray-Ban مجموعة نظارات


موديل‭ ‬مستوحى‭ ‬من‭ ‬النمط‭ ‬الكلاسيكي‭ ‬الخاص‭ ‬بتصميمات‭ ‬عالية‭ ‬الأداءً‭ ‬المستديرة‭ ‬مزدوجة‭ ‬الجسر‭ ‬وتصميم‭ ‬البانثوس‭ ‬،‭ ‬إطار‭ ‬معدني‭ ‬ذهبي‭ ‬لامع‭ ‬يتمتع‭ ‬بدوائر‭ ‬حافة‭ ‬بلاستيكية‭ ‬شفافة‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬البني‭ ‬الفاتح‭ ‬أو‭ ‬الأخضر‭ ‬الفاتح‭ ‬أو‭ ‬الأزرق‭ ‬الفاتح‭ ‬وعدسات‭ ‬متدرجة‭ ‬جديدة‭ ‬لتُضفي‭ ‬على‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬المظهر‭ ‬المناسب‭ ‬للجميع‭ ‬شخصية‭ ‬فريدة‭.‬

إعادة‭ ‬ابتكار‭ ‬نمط‭ ‬عين‭ ‬القطة‭ ‬الأيقوني‭ ‬الخاص‭ .‬”Nina“‭ ‬نقدم‭ ‬أروع‭ ‬تصميم‭ ‬لهذا‭ ‬الموسم،‭ ‬فلترحبوا‭ ‬بنظارةوخلق‭ ‬مظهر‭ ‬جديد‭ ‬من‭ ‬الشكل‭ ‬الأصلي،‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬النمط‭ ‬الجذاب‭ ‬يمزج‭ ‬بين‭ ‬العدسات‭ ‬،Ray-Ban‭ ‬بعلامة‭ ‬المسطحة‭ ‬ذات‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬القوية‭ ‬مع‭ ‬ألوان‭ ‬الهافان‭ ‬المرقطة‭ ‬الجديدة‭ ‬لإضفاء‭ ‬مظهر‭ ‬كلاسيكي‭ ‬يصعب‭ ‬مقاومته،‭ ‬من‭ ‬أجل‭ ‬بديل‭ ‬عالي‭ ‬الأداء‭ ‬لا‭ ‬يُخطئ‭ ‬أبدًا‭. ‬G‭- ‬أو‭ ‬اللون‭ ‬الأسود‭ ‬الكلاسيكي‭ ‬بالكامل‭ ‬وعدسات‭ ‬15

2019/ لموسم خریف وشتاء 2018 Vogue مجموعة نظارات

من‭ ‬مظهر‭ ‬مدني‭ ‬أنيق‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬مظهر‭ ‬مرح‭ ‬رفيع‭ ‬المستوى،‭ ‬تمنح‭ ‬الخطوط‭ ‬الملونة‭ ‬الحصرية‭ ‬والزوايا‭ ‬الأنيقة‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬الشكل‭ ‬الجديد‭ ‬لمسة‭ ‬مغامرة‭. ‬من‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬تنسيق‭ ‬درجات‭ ‬الباستيل‭ ‬الجديدة،‭ ‬والعدسات‭ ‬المتدرجة‭ ‬الكلاسيكية‭ ‬والعدسات‭ ‬العاكسة‭ ‬الجديدة‭ ‬مع‭ ‬أذرع‭ ‬مجدولة‭ ‬مصنوعة‭ ‬من‭ ‬المعدن‭ ‬المصقول‭ ‬ونهايات‭ ‬أذرع‭ ‬ملونة،‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬الموديل‭ ‬الخفيف،‭ ‬سوف‭ ‬يكشف‭ ‬بالتأكيد‭ ‬عن‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬التي‭ ‬تناسبك‭.‬

درجات‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬المشرقة‭ ‬تُثير‭ ‬الدهشة‭ ‬في‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬الموديل‭ ‬المستوحى‭ ‬من‭ ‬الخمسينات‭ ‬ذو‭ ‬حالة‭ ‬الموضة‭ ‬الجريئة‭. ‬يتمتع‭ ‬الموديل‭ ‬بشكل‭ ‬مستدير‭ ‬ساحر‭ ‬مع‭ ‬أذرع‭ ‬عريضة‭ ‬للغاية،‭ ‬الواجهات‭ ‬الرائجة‭ ‬ذات‭ ‬لون‭ ‬بدرجة‭ ‬جديدة‭ ‬”paisley“‭ ‬حجر‭ ‬الأوبال‭ ‬أو‭ ‬اللون‭ ‬الوردي‭ ‬الناعم‭ ‬تتزين‭ ‬بحافة‭ ‬علوية‭ ‬منقوشة‭ ‬بنقشة‭ ‬تتطابق‭ ‬مع‭ ‬العدسات‭ ‬الشمسية‭ ‬ثلاثية‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬من‭ ‬أجل‭ ‬مظهر‭ ‬فائق‭ ‬الأنوثة‭ ‬وملون‭ ‬بالكامل،‭ ‬بينما‭ ‬يضف‭ ‬اللون‭ ‬الأسود‭ ‬الكلاسيكي‭ ‬أو‭ ‬الهافان‭ ‬المنقوش‭ ‬بساطة‭ ‬تتطابق‭ ‬مع‭ ‬الجمال‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬يُظهر‭ ‬السحر‭ ‬والجاذبية‭ ‬في‭ ‬أي‭ ‬شخص‭.‬

2019/ لموسم خریف وشتاء 2018 Burberry مجموعة نظارات

إطار‭ ‬أسيتات‭ ‬بيضاوي‭ ‬مستوحى‭ ‬من‭ ‬التصاميم‭ ‬العتيقة‭. ‬إطار‭ ‬أسيتات‭ ‬أسود‭ ‬شبه‭ ‬شفاف‭ ‬بأذرع‭ ‬طبعات‭ ‬الكاروهات‭ ‬العتيقة‭ ‬وعدسات‭ ‬رمادية‭ ‬دخانية‭.‬

إطار‭ ‬أسيتات‭ ‬أنثوي‭ ‬مستوحى‭ ‬من‭ ‬الخمسينيات‭ ‬مع‭ ‬حافة‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬علوية‭ ‬مسحوبة‭ ‬لأعلى‭.‬


2019/ لموسم خریف وشتاء 2018 Emporio Armani مجموعة نظارات

نظارة‭ ‬شمسیة‭ ‬فائقة‭ ‬الخفة‭ ‬بتصمیم‭ ‬عین‭ ‬القطة‭. ‬تتمتع‭ ‬العدسات‭ ‬الشفافة‭ ‬الكبیرة‭ ‬بجزء‭ ‬مركزي‭ ‬عاكس‭ ‬وإطار‭ ‬صغیر‭ ‬غیر‭ ‬لامع‭ ‬على‭ ‬الحواف‭ ‬ومع‭ ‬لمسة‭ ‬براقة‭ ‬خفیفة‭. ‬لمسة‭ ‬أناقة،‭ ‬تم‭ ‬تقدیمھا‭ ‬على‭ ‬منصة‭ ‬العرض‭. ‬تحمل‭ ‬الأذرع‭ ‬الرفیعة‭ ‬والمدببة‭ ‬شعار‭ ‬النسر‭ ‬المطلي‭ ‬بالمینا‭. ‬ھذا‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬متوفر‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬الفضي‭ ‬البراق‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬لبنیة‭ ‬عاكسة‭ ‬أو‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬الذھبي‭ ‬الوردي‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬وردیة‭ ‬عاكسة‭. ‬

ھذا‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬ظھر‭ ‬على‭ ‬منصة‭ ‬العرض‭ ‬یُظھر‭ ‬الروح‭ ‬الحضریة‭ ‬لسیدة‭ ‬Emporio Armani‭. ‬یأخذ‭ ‬الھیكل‭ ‬المعدني‭ ‬وضع‭ ‬مباشرةً‭ ‬فوق‭ ‬العدسات‭ ‬ویتبع‭ ‬شكلھا،‭ ‬مع‭ ‬بنیة‭ ‬طلیعیة‭. ‬الجسر‭ ‬المزدوج‭ ‬مصنوع‭ ‬أی‭ ‬ًضا‭ ‬من‭ ‬المعدن،‭ ‬على‭ ‬غرار‭ ‬الأذرع‭ ‬الرفیعة‭ ‬التي‭ ‬تحمل‭ ‬شعار‭ ‬النسر‭ ‬المطلي‭ ‬بالمینا‭. ‬مجموعة‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬راقیة‭ ‬مما‭ ‬یجعل‭ ‬ھذه‭ ‬النظارة‭ ‬من‭ ‬الأغراض‭ ‬التي‭ ‬ینبغي‭ ‬اقتناؤھا‭ ‬في‭ ‬ھذا‭ ‬الموسم‭. ‬ھذا‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬متوفر‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬الذھبي‭ ‬الشاحب‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬خضراء‭ ‬متدرجة‭ ‬وباللون‭ ‬الفضي‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬رمادیة‭ ‬متدرجة‭. ‬

2019/ لموسم خریف وشتاء 2018 Giorgio Armani مجموعة نظارات


یتمیز‭ ‬مودیل‭ ‬النظارة‭ ‬الشمسیة‭ ‬ھذا‭ ‬ببنیة‭ ‬طلیعیة،‭ ‬وھو‭ ‬مثال‭ ‬على‭ ‬البراعة‭ ‬الحرفیة‭. ‬تم‭ ‬صناعة‭ ‬العدسة‭ ‬السمیكة‭ ‬یدویًا‭ ‬من‭ ‬أجل‭ ‬خلق‭ ‬بعدین‭ ‬مختلفین،‭ ‬بحیث‭ ‬تبدو‭ ‬أكثر‭ ‬رفعًا‭ ‬على‭ ‬الحواف‭. ‬الجزء‭ ‬الخارجي‭ ‬أیضًا‭ ‬غیر‭ ‬لامع‭ ‬وثري‭ ‬بالكریستالات‭ ‬الصغیرة‭ ‬متعددة‭ ‬الألوان‭. ‬الإطار‭ ‬فائق‭ ‬الخفة‭ ‬مصنوع‭ ‬من‭ ‬المعدن‭ ‬شبھ‭ ‬منعدم‭ ‬الحواف‭ ‬مع‭ ‬وجود‭ ‬شعار‭ ‬في‭ ‬النسخة‭ ‬الكلاسیكیة‭ ‬على‭ ‬الأذرع‭ ‬Giorgio Armani‭ ‬الرفیعة‭. ‬یتوفر‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬الذھبي‭ ‬الوردي‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬بنفسجیة‭ ‬وباللون‭ ‬الفضي‭ ‬البراق‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬متدرجة‭.‬


یتمیز‭ ‬ھذا‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬الأنثوي‭ ‬الأنیق،‭ ‬بطل‭ ‬عرض‭ ‬أزیاء‭ ‬2019‭ ‬،‭ ‬بالشكل‭ ‬الھندسي‭. ‬یُشكل‭ / ‬خریف‭ ‬وشتاء‭ ‬2018‭ ‬الجزء‭ ‬العلوي‭ ‬المصنوع‭ ‬من‭ ‬الأسیتات‭ ‬زخرفًا‭ ‬رقیقًا‭ ‬غیر‭ ‬عادیًا،‭ ‬منحني‭ ‬بشكل‭ ‬خفیف،‭ ‬مع‭ ‬ألوان‭ ‬ودرجات‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬المستوحاة‭ ‬من‭ ‬حجر‭ ‬المالاكایت‭. ‬إنھ‭ ‬احتفاء‭ ‬بدرجات‭ ‬الألوان القادمة‭ ‬Giorgio Armani‭ ‬الموجودة‭ ‬في‭ ‬مجموعات‭ ‬الخاصة‭ ‬بالملابس‭ ‬والإكسسوارات‭. ‬ھذا‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬متوفر‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬الذھبي‭ ‬الشاحب‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات زرقاء‭ ‬وتفاصیل‭ ‬بلون‭ ‬الھافان‭ ‬الأخضر،‭ ‬وباللون‭ ‬الوردي‭ ‬الذھبي‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬خضراء‭ ‬وتفاصیل‭ ‬بلون‭ ‬الھافان‭ ‬الأحمر،‭ ‬وباللون‭ ‬الفضي‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬متدرجة‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬النبیذي‭ ‬وتفاصیل‭ ‬بلون‭ ‬الھافان‭ ‬الأزرق‭.‬

Introducing Bourjois’s New Line of Makeup Essentials

Say Bonjour to the perfect cat eye! Get ready to unleash your inner feline femme fatal with Bourjois’ new line of makeup essentials. Sure to become your new favourite makeup products, the new Eye Catching collection is your go-to kit to perfect the world’s most timeless and trickiest makeup look: the infamous cat eye.

In true Bourjois style, we created the ultimate cheat’s makeup set to help you perfect the look and show everyone why you’re this season’s it girl. Don’t worry, it’ll be our little secret!

Starting with the Eye Catching Nude Palette and followed by the divine Eye Catching Mascara and Eye Catching Liner, it’ll take you no time at all to master the sultry lines of the oh-so-desirable feline flick. Et voilà! It’s time for you to unleash your cattitude!

Eye Catching Nude Palette

With a chic palette of eight nude, long-lasting shades of eyeshadow that includes beige, pink, gold, plum and brown, and four different finish effects that range from matte and pearly to satin and iridescent, Bourjois’ Eye Catching Nude Palette is exactly what you need to create the illusion of bigger, brighter eyes. The sleek compact holds a panoramic, swivelling mirror that catches the best angle every time, as well as a pro-style double-ended applicator with differentiated foam tips for blending and defining. Let’s not forget the best part: our makeup pros have included a complete step-by-step guide and cheat sheet on the underside of the compact, so you can perfect your Parisian chic look no matter where you are. You’ll have everyone yelling oh-mon-dieu in no time!

– Eight nude shades

– Four finishes

– Intense, long-lasting shades for easy blending

– Compact with double-ended applicator and swivelling panoramic mirror

– Cost: AED 120

Eye Catching Mascara

La Parisienne in you is about to take over the world! Infused with silk proteins, Bourjois’ Eye Catching Mascara is the first-ever mascara to show off a cat eye effect all by itself. The blend’s formula delivers a beautiful, bold and intense finish with plenty of volume while leaving your lashes soft, supple and clump-free. The mascara’s curved brush only enhances the illusion of thickness, coating and defining each lash and curling it outwards, creating an irresistible wide-eyed look that’s voluptuous and coquettish at once. And it’s all tried and tested! 81% of women say Bourjois’ Eye Catching Mascara makes lashes look instantly thicker and fuller, while 76% agree that it creates volume in one stroke and curves lashes outwards; 83% say it gives eyes more impact and intensity and 87% love the makeup result.

– Formula infused with silk proteins

– Unique curved brush

– Intense volume, clump-free coverage, long wear

– One shade: Black

– Cost: AED 94

Eye Catching Liner

Now that you’ve applied your base and curved your lashes to your heart’s desire, it’s time to vamp it up and transform the kitten in you into a full-on feline femme fatale.

Featuring an ingenious one-sided flat tip, Bourjois’ Eye Catching Liner comes in sleek black packaging with playful pink graphics that echo its flirty and mischievous nature.

Perfect for today’s girl on the go, the liner was designed to allow every woman to achieve the perfect cat eye in three simple steps.

To start with, use the flat side to “stamp” the perfect flick at the outer corner of your eye. After that, use the regular side to draw a clean, sharp line from the inner corner outwards. And then just admire the purr-fect result!

– Unique one-sided flat tip

– The perfect feline flick in two fail-safe steps

– One shade: Black

– Cost: AED 88


Introducing Le Brunchette this Holiday Season

We kick off the Holiday season with a festive campaign inspiring consumers to celebrate the most special time of the year. Launching a new Sharing menu – featuring the all new Le Brunchette – the brand encourages friends to get together and enjoy the present.

The month-long Holiday campaign launched on the 1st December in over 15 bars in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. 

The participating locations, including Café Artois, Belgian Beer Café, Le Petit Belge and Barasti will be offering a special Holiday Sharing Menu – featuring 2-hour package with selected sharing bites. 

Le Brunchette encourages friends to create timeless moments together during the winter season, as a way to truly enjoy the present with loved ones over great food, outstanding drink and wonderful conversation.

Elevate your holiday celebrations with perfect Belgian-inspired food and drink pairings, courtesy of Le Brunchette and spend quality time with friends and family this festive season – creating something truly special. 


Dubai: Barasti Beach ; Café Artois ; Le Petit Belge, JLT ; Le Petit Belge, Downtown ; Le Petit Belge, Motor City ; Belgian Beer Café, Madinat ; Belgian Beer Café, Tecom ; Belgian Beer Café, Dubai Festival City ; Nezessausi, Al Manzil ; Kickers ; Copperdog ; Els Club ; Carters, Wafi ; Club House, Jebel Ali Recreation Club ; Qube, Meydan ; Double Decker

Abu Dhabi: Radisson Belgium Beer Cafe  ; Marriott Al Forsan  ; City Golf Club